Shiyu Xu, Ph.D.

Dr. Xu worked as a postdoctoral fellow with Dr. Web Stayman in Biomedical Engineering Hopkins, where his research included advanced 3D image reconstruction algorithms, including Known-Component Reconstruction (KC-Recon). His work…

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Jennifer Xu, Ph.D.

Jennifer Xu earned her Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering from Johns Hopkins University.  Her research involved the development, characterization, and modeling of photon counting detectors and new methods for photon counting spectral…

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Kyle Xiong

Kyle worked as the laboratory technician, running the I-STAR x-ray bench and assisting in dual-energy imaging of rheumatoid arthritis.Kyle completed an internship at Takeda pharmaceuticals and is pursuing his PhD…

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Felicia Wang

Felicia was a summer student at the I-STAR Lab and Carnegie Center for Surgical Innovation, where she worked on two main projects: (1) a large statistical atlas of spine anatomy;…

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Aaron Waese

Aaron was Dr. Siewerdsen's first undergraduate research assistant at the University of Toronto and is the original author of the SPEKTR algorithm for x-ray spectral calculation. (spektr) After earning his…

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Read more about the article Carlos Varon

Carlos Varon

Carlos Varon worked with Dr. Siewerdsen at the University of Toronto, where his work involved the development of dual-energy imaging for improved diagnostic performance in early-stage lung cancer detection. Carlos…

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Daniel Tward

Daniel began work with Dr. Siewerdsen as a Research Assistant at the University of Toronto, where his work included modeling of 3D imaging performance (noise-power and NEQ) for cone-beam CT.…

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